The Topography Between (a New York radio love song)
Written by Zachary Miceli • Directed by Dmitri Barcomi
Produced by Reginald Van Lee
The New York International Fringe Festival, Soho Playhouse
In a play world set in the New York unconscious to a live R&B band, Rodney and Callisto yearn for each other from across vast urban topographical divides. They are lovers; one is waiting for an HIV test in a city clinic and one, inside the walls of a central bookings jail cell, is waiting to see a judge. As they inhabit these anticipatory institutional spaces, each comes into contact with mysterious strangers who constantly seem to be poised on the brink of revelation.
Featuring: Sydney Afriye, Ian Blom, Therese Dizon, Sekou Luke, Ian Palmer
The Band: Yanice Cotto, Francisco D’Ferreiro, Mark Oleszko, Jordan Robinson
Music Direction by Mark Oleszko • Lighting Design by Heidi Fink • Stage Manager Morgan Stevenson